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Christine (2016)Download Christine Mp4 Movie. The story of a woman who finds herself falling into a spiral of crisis between her personal life and her career. She has always been the smartest person on the site at the Saratosa news station in Florida where she feels destined to do bigger things and is relentless in her quest for a position in the air in a larger market. As an aspiring news woman, always with her eyes open and interested in social justice, she finds herself constantly clashing with her boss, intent on taking her back to more juicy stories for television. Filled with doubts and a tumultuous family life, Christine nurtures hopes in her growing friendship with her partner, which becomes another failed love. Disillusioned with a world that always closes the doors, Christine takes a dark and surprising turn.

Director: Antonio Campos
Writer: Craig Shilowich
Stars: Rebecca Hall, Michael C. Hall, Tracy Letts

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